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Measles is a highly contagious virus. It spreads easily through the air when someone with measles breathes, coughs, or sneezes.

Check or update your immunization record to make sure you and your family are up-to-date with vaccinations.

How do I book a vaccine appointment?

  • For children under 18: Book through Public Health for eligibility of a free measles vaccine.

  • For adults: Most adults are considered protected against measles if they:

  • Have received two doses of a measles-containing vaccine

  • Were born before 1970

If you have only had one dose, you can get a second dose if you are:

  • Planning to travel to a high-risk area

  • A health care worker

  • A post-secondary student

If you are travelling outside Canada, talk to your health care provider about getting vaccinated before your trip.

What are the symptoms of measles?

Measles symptoms start 7 to 14 days after you are exposed to the virus. The main signs include:

  • High fever

  • Cough

  • Runny nose

  • Red, watery eyes

  • Red rash that starts on the face and spreads to the body

Complications can include:

  • Diarrhea

  • Ear infections

  • Pneumonia (lung infection)

Rare but serious complications:

  • Brain infection (encephalitis)

  • Death

How does measles spread?

Measles spreads when:

  • You breathe air where an infected person has coughed or sneezed

  • You touch a surface with the virus on it and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. The virus can live in the air or on surfaces for up to 2 hours.

You can spread measles to others 4 days before the rash starts and until 4 days after the rash starts

How can you prevent the spread of measles?

  1. Get vaccinated: The best way to protect yourself is to get two doses of the measles vaccine (MMR or MMRV).

  2. Wash your hands often with soap and water.

  3. Stay home if you feel sick.

  4. Avoid crowds during a measles outbreak.

What do you do if you think you have measles?

If you think you have measles:

  1. Stay home and avoid contact with others. Learn more about isolation guidelines.

  2. Call ahead before you visit a doctor, clinic, or hospital so they can prepare for your arrival and prevent virus spread.

  3. Wear a mask if you need to go out for medical care. Check that you are wearing a high quality mask.

How is measles diagnosed?

Measles is diagnosed through laboratory tests. These tests may include:

  • A swab of your nose or throat (nasopharyngeal or throat swab)

  • A urine sample

  • A blood test

How is measles treated?

There is no specific medicine to treat measles. Most people get better at home with rest and fluids.

Some people may need to go to the hospital if they get very sick. Measles vaccination is the best protection to prevent an infection.

Who is at risk?

You are at risk if:

  • You have not had two doses of the measles vaccine

  • You have never had measles before

The high-risk groups are:

  • Babies under 12 months old

  • Pregnant people

  • People with weak immune systems

If you’re not sure about your vaccine history, check your immunization record or talk to your health care provider.

Where can you learn about measles cases in Canada?

Visit Health Canada’s weekly measles report for updates.

What vaccines protect against measles?

There are two vaccines:

  1. MMR – Protects against measles, mumps, and rubella

  2. MMRV – Protects against measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox

The first dose (MMR) is given soon after the first birthday, and the second dose (MMRV) is given at 4 to 6 years of age.

Note: Infants 6-11 months may be given one dose of MMR vaccine if the infant is travelling outside of Canada.

What are additional resources on measles?

Contact Us

Southwestern Public Health (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday)

St. Thomas Site
(Administrative office)
1230 Talbot Street
St. Thomas, ON N5P 1G9

Woodstock Site
410 Buller Street
Woodstock, ON N4S 4N2

Call us toll free: 1-800-922-0096
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