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Small Drinking Water Systems

If you provide access to drinking water for the public and your water is not provided by a municipal source, you may be operating a Small Drinking Water System (SDWS). These systems must follow the requirements under the law, Small Drinking Water Systems (O. Reg. 319/08).

Public Health Units across Ontario inspect and regulate Small Drinking Water Systems. Please contact Southwestern Public Health (SWPH) if you are, or believe you may be, a Small Drinking Water System and you have not received a site specific risk assessment by a Public Health Inspector.

Types of Small Drinking Water Systems

Examples of Small Drinking Water Systems include: a food service establishment, a place that operates primarily for the purpose of providing overnight accommodation to the travelling public, a trailer park or campground, a marina, a church, a mosque, a synagogue, a temple or other place of worship, a recreational camp, a recreational or athletic facility, a place, other than a private residence, where a service club or fraternal organization meets on a regular basis, or any place where the general public has access to a washroom, drinking water fountain or shower. 

There are 5 Classes of Small Drinking Water Systems.

  • Small Non-Municipal Non-Residential (e.g., church, motel, B&B, restaurant)
  • Large Non-Municipal Non-Residential (e.g., large resort)
  • Small Municipal Non-Residential (e.g., community hall, sports field/arena)
  • Large Municipal Non-Residential (e.g., airport, large sports complex)
  • Non-Municipal Seasonal Residential (e.g., trailer park, campground)

Small Drinking Water System Operators Guide

Important information and supporting documentation regarding Small Drinking Water Systems and the regulatory requirements for their operation and maintenance can be found through Southwestern Public Health’s Small Drinking Water Systems Operator’s Guide.

How can I get a Small Drinking Water System tested?

Visit the Ontario Ministry Licensed Laboratories page for a list of laboratories licensed to perform drinking water tests.

Please Note: If you own/operate a SDWS, you are legally required to report any Adverse Water Quality Incidents to your local health unit. Please call the Health Protection Department at 1-800-922-0096 to report an adverse water quality incident.

Notice of Intent to Supply Water

Any Small Drinking Water System owner or operator who wishes to supply water to the system users after there has been a shutdown (has not been supplying water to users) of more than 60 days, must notify the Medical Officer of Health of the intent to begin to supply water.

Additional resources:

Check out these helpful resources:

Contact Us

Southwestern Public Health (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday)

St. Thomas Site
(Administrative office)
1230 Talbot Street
St. Thomas, ON N5P 1G9

Woodstock Site
410 Buller Street
Woodstock, ON N4S 4N2

Call us toll free: 1-800-922-0096
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