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Smoke-Free Spaces

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act protects you and your family from second-hand smoke and vapour. It also limits how young people access tobacco and vaping products, creating healthier spaces for everyone.

Where can you not smoke or vape?

Smoking and vaping are not allowed in these places:

  • Public spaces and workplaces: Includes all indoor areas and work vehicles.

  • Schools and childcare centres: Within 20 metres of schools, daycares, and playgrounds.

  • Community and recreational areas: Includes sports fields, skate parks, and within 20 metres of playgrounds.

  • Patios at bars and restaurants: Within 9 metres of patios.

  • Hospitals and long-term care homes: Both indoors and within 9 metres of entrances.

  • Cars with children under 16: To protect children from second-hand smoke and vapour.

  • Shared spaces in apartments or condos: Includes hallways, stairwells, lobbies, and other common areas.

These rules are in place to protect everyone from harmful smoke and vapour.

How to report a smoking or vaping violation

If you see someone smoking or vaping where it’s not allowed:

  1. Write down the details: Note where and when it happened and what you saw.

  2. Report it to us: We will look into the issue and make sure the rules are followed.

You can also submit an anonymous smoking complaint through Take Your Butt Outside. For tobacco offences witnessed on school property, please complete the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, School Report of Offence form. 

By reporting smoking and vaping violations, you’re helping to keep our community smoke-free.

Rules for tobacco and vaping product retailers

If you sell tobacco or vaping products, you must:

  • Only sell to people 19 or older

  • Follow all rules for displaying, advertising, and selling tobacco and vaping products

  • Keep products out of sight, such as behind counters or in closed cabinets

  • Put up “No Smoking” and “No Vaping” signs where customers can see them

If you don’t follow these rules, you could face fines or penalties. To learn more, check out the Guide for Retailers (PDF).

Frequently asked questions

To protect people, especially children, from second-hand smoke and vapour and to limit access to tobacco and vaping products for youth.

They may get a warning, a fine, or other penalties. Our staff work with communities to make sure the rules are followed.

Download “No Smoking” and “No Vaping” signs here or contact us for more information.

Contact Us

Southwestern Public Health (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday)

St. Thomas Site
(Administrative office)
1230 Talbot Street
St. Thomas, ON N5P 1G9

Woodstock Site
410 Buller Street
Woodstock, ON N4S 4N2

Call us toll free: 1-800-922-0096
Email us

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