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Consumption and Treatment Services

Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS) are safe places where people can use their own drugs while trained staff are there to help. These services can:

  • Prevent overdoses and save lives.

  • Stop the spread of infections like HIV and hepatitis C.

  • Offer clean supplies like sterile needles.

  • Check drugs to make sure they are not contaminated.

CTS also connects people to health care, social services, and addiction treatment when they are ready.

Why are CTS important?

Opioid use in our region has led to more harms, like overdoses and deaths.

  • In 2019, about one person per month died from an opioid overdose

  • In 2021, that number went up to almost four people per month

  • CTS can help reduce these harms by giving people a safe and supervised space.

What is the CTS feasibility study?

In early 2023, Southwestern Public Health completed a feasibility study to understand the need and support for CTS in Oxford County, Elgin County, and the City of St. Thomas. The study had 3 goals:

  1. Find out if CTS are needed in the community

  2. See if people support CTS

  3. Explore how CTS might work in our area

Who took part in the study?

We spoke with:

  • People with lived experience of substance use (PWLE)

  • Indigenous partners

  • Community organizations and partners

  • Political leaders

  • Business owners and general community members

These voices help us understand if CTS are wanted, needed, and possible in our region.

Where can I learn more about the CTS feasibility study?

How can CTS help?

Benefits of CTS:

  • Save lives by preventing drug overdoses

  • Reduce infections by giving out clean supplies

  • Help people get support for health care, housing, and addiction treatment

  • Make public spaces safer by reducing drug use in places like parks and streets

Are CTS legal?

Yes. CTS needs Federal Government approval under Section 56 of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

What happens at a CTS site?

At a Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS) site, people can use their own drugs in a safe place with trained staff there to help. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Safe, clean supplies – You’ll get sterile needles and other clean supplies to use.

  • Overdose prevention – Staff watch for any signs of an overdose and can act quickly to save lives.

  • Safer use education – You can learn how to use drugs in a safer way to lower health risks.

  • Medical support – If you need medical care, staff are there to help.

  • Counselling services – You can talk to someone if you need emotional support or advice.

  • Referrals to services – Staff can connect you to other supports, like:

    • Addiction treatment programs

    • Housing services

    • Income support

What are the benefits of Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS)?

CTS helps the community in many important ways. The four main goals are to:

  1. Save lives by preventing fatal and non-fatal drug overdoses through supervision and quick response.

  2. Stop the spread of infections by providing clean supplies, CTS reduce infections like HIV and hepatitis C for people who inject drugs.

  3. Connect people to support: CTS help people get health care, addiction treatment, housing, and other services when they’re ready.

  4. Make the community safer by reducing drug use in public spaces and offering safe needle disposal, CTS help keep parks, streets, and other shared spaces cleaner and safer for everyone.

Contact Us

Southwestern Public Health (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday)

St. Thomas Site
(Administrative office)
1230 Talbot Street
St. Thomas, ON N5P 1G9

Woodstock Site
410 Buller Street
Woodstock, ON N4S 4N2

Call us toll free: 1-800-922-0096
Email us

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