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Avian Flu

Avian influenza is a bird disease caused by a virus. It mainly affects wild birds like ducks and geese but can also spread to domestic or commercial poultry. A severe type, called highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1), can be deadly to both wild birds and poultry. This virus is found naturally in wild water birds around the world and can spread to other bird species.

Avian influenza in humans

Avian influenza does not usually spread from birds to humans, and an outbreak in birds does not mean there will be one in people.

The viruses that cause avian influenza are different from those that cause seasonal flu in humans. The current strains of avian influenza A(H5N1) circulating worldwide have only rarely infected people, and human-to-human transmission is even more uncommon. In Canada, the risk of infection is very low.

Most human cases of avian influenza have been linked to direct, unprotected contact with infected birds, contaminated surfaces, or bird droppings. The virus is not known to spread to people through eating properly cooked poultry or eggs. However, safe food handling practices such as washing hands and keeping raw poultry and eggs separate from other foods should always be followed to prevent cross-contamination and reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses like Salmonella.

Human symptoms of avian influenza

Symptoms of avian influenza are similar to those of seasonal influenza and may include fever, chills, runny nose, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, red/watery eyes, or difficulty breathing.

If symptoms develop and you have had exposure to an infected bird or poultry premises, contact your health care provider to arrange testing. Individuals should notify their health care provider of their exposure history and symptoms in advance to ensure that appropriate precautions can be put in place.

Individuals having unprotected direct contact with infected birds or surfaces heavily contaminated with avian influenza viruses should self-monitor for symptoms of avian influenza for 14 days after their last exposure to the infected birds or contaminated environmental surfaces.

Protecting your health

As a general guideline, members of the public should avoid handling live, sick, or dead wild birds. If contact with wild birds is unavoidable, wear gloves or use a doubled plastic bag and avoid contact with blood, body fluids, and feces. You should then wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.

While the annual human influenza vaccine does not protect against avian influenza, it will help prevent you from getting seasonal influenza.

Here are some general guidelines for avoiding communicable diseases:

  • Get your flu shot every year
  • Wash your hands with soap and warm running water thoroughly and often
  • An alcohol-based sanitizer (60 to 90 per cent alcohol) should only be used if no visible dirt is present on the hands
  • Practice proper cough and sneeze etiquette (sneeze and cough into your elbow)
  • Stay at home when you are sick

Reporting sick or dead birds

It is very important that people avoid handling live or dead wild birds. If you see a wild bird, including waterfowl, that is sick, injured, or dead, do not touch it. Report any sick or dead birds (including waterfowl), to the Ontario Regional Centre of the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative at 1-866-673-4781 or online.

Food safety considerations

Transmission of avian influenza to people from the consumption of eggs or poultry is unlikely. As a general practice, food safety measures should always be practiced when handling poultry and egg products such as:

  • Always wash hands before cooking or eating
  • Wash hands before and after handling uncooked poultry and egg products for at least 20 seconds with warm, soapy water
  • Keep uncooked poultry and egg products separate from other food products to prevent cross-contamination
  • Clean and sanitize all surfaces and utensils with hot, soapy water and a household sanitizer (e.g., bleach and water solution)
  • Cook poultry pieces to a minimum internal temperature of 74°C (165°F) and whole poultry to 82°C (180°F); use a probe thermometer to confirm cooking temperatures

Avian influenza in pet birds

It is very difficult for your pet bird to catch avian influenza if you take sensible precautions such as keeping birds, food, and water bowls indoors. Pet birds that are kept indoors are unlikely to have any contact with wild birds. As well, take precautions not to introduce any material, food or clothing that may have been contaminated by wild birds.

While HPAI is primarily a disease of birds, it can also infect mammals, especially those who hunt, scavenge, or otherwise consume infected birds. For example, cats that go outdoors may hunt and consume an infected bird, or dogs may scavenge dead birds. If your pet has found a sick or dead bird or other wildlife, report it to your regional avian influenza hotline or the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC).

While most HPAI H5N1 cases in mammals involve direct contact with infected birds, exposure to heavily contaminated environments (e.g., ponds or other bird congregation areas) could also potentially lead to infection.

Clinical signs in mammalian pets such as cats and dogs may include:

  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Lack of appetite
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Neurological signs (for example, tremors and seizures)
  • Death

Pet owners should contact their veterinarian if they have any concerns about the health of their pets. Pet owners should not feed pets (for example, dogs or cats) any raw meat from game birds or poultry. Keeping cats indoors and dogs on a leash helps to protect your pet by preventing access to potentially infected wild birds or their carcasses.

Additional resources

*This content has been adapted with permission of Ottawa Public Health.

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