Same Day Vaccination List Launches
Media Release
May 7, 2021
Southwestern Public Health Launches “Same Day” Vaccination List
To ensure no COVID-19 vaccine doses are wasted, local public health unit opens list for same day appointments.
Today, Southwestern Public Health launched a Same Day Vaccination List to gather names of individuals eligible for the vaccine who can get themselves to a clinic quickly when doses are available.
“We know this vaccine is a precious resource and we aim to never waste a dose. Occasionally we have appointment cancellations or no-shows. Our goal is to get the resulting doses to residents who are eagerly waiting for their vaccination,” says Jaime Fletcher, Program Manager for the organization’s COVID-19 Vaccination Task. “The Same Day Vaccination List allows individuals to self identify if they can present at a clinic within 30 minutes of a phone call from a member of our team.”
The registration form for the list can be found on the Southwestern Public Health website. Individuals waiting for a dose need to provide a name, contact information, date of birth and preferred location, as well as the days they are available to get themselves to a clinic within 30 minutes. Once they are on the list, SWPH will call on a first-come, first-served basis when doses become available as the week goes on.
The list is refreshed each week, so individuals who are interested must sign up again each Monday for the current week. Only those who are currently eligible according to the province’s currently eligibility criteria can be vaccinated.
“There are no guarantees, but based on what we have seen to-date, we do anticipate that every day we’ll call people from the list to come in for a shot. This may result in getting a vaccine weeks ahead of a previously scheduled appointment,” adds Fletcher.
The List is live, and individuals can sign themselves up immediately:
Megan Cornwell
Communications | Southwestern Public Health
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