Southwestern Public Health Advises Trick-or-Treating Caution for Hallowe'en
Southwestern Public Health is advising community members to be cautious and consider local risks when planning Hallowe’en activities.
“With our relatively low rates in the region, Hallowe’en activities including a limited trick-or-treat night may proceed,” says Dr. Joyce Lock, Medical Officer of Health. “I recommend families pay close attention to our COVID-19 cases as we lead up to October 31st and adjust plans as needed.”
Southwestern Public Health has advice to manage COVID-19 risks on Hallowe’en:
- Stay home if feeling ill or if you have mild symptoms.
- Only go out trick-or-treating outside and with members of your immediate household.
- Trick-or-treaters and people handing out candy should wear a face covering.
- Do not congregate or linger at doorsteps and line up two metres apart if waiting.
- Whether collecting or handing out treats, wash hands often or use hand sanitizer.
- Use tongs to hand out treats; do not leave treats in a bowl for children to grab.
- A costume mask is not a substitute for a face covering and should not be worn over a face covering as it may be difficult to breathe. Consider incorporating a face covering into your child’s costume instead.
Other safe Hallowe’en options include decorating the exterior of your home, hosting a virtual pumpkin carving or costume contest, or watching Hallowe’en movies with members of your household.
Individuals who have health concerns and those aged 65 or older should avoid in-person Hallowe’en activities, such as handing out candy or visiting family members.
About Southwestern Public Health
Southwestern Public Health works with its partners to ensure the health of the whole community. Our programs respond to public health emergencies; promote healthy lifestyles; help prevent injuries, illness and disease in the community; and promote positive change and social conditions that improve health. Southwestern Public Health delivers mandated programs under the Ontario Public Health Standards and is regulated by the Ontario Health Protection and Promotion Act. The health unit maintains primary locations in Woodstock and St. Thomas. For more information, visit
Megan Cornwell
Communications Manager | Southwestern Public Health
519-631-9900 x 1259 | 1-800-922-0096
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