SWPH Completes First Dose Vaccinations in High-Risk Retirement Home Residents
Southwestern Public Health has achieved another milestone in Ontario’s COVID-19 vaccination strategy. On January 29, the health unit completed all first dose vaccinations for eligible residents in high-risk retirement homes across the region.
More than 170 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were administered over three days with the support of staff and administration from the high-risk retirement homes and by the Southwestern Public Health COVID-19 Immunization Task Force.
The Ministry of Health determines which retirement homes are considered high-risk based on specific criteria, such as having a dementia care unit, a co-locate with a Long-Term Care home, or other health-related reasons.
“I cannot stress enough how valuable our system partners are in helping us administer these vaccinations so quickly. These residents were a priority for the whole province, and for our local communities. It’s an incredible feeling to know we are saving lives and protecting health with each dose administered in these settings,” says Jaime Fletcher, Manager of the health unit’s COVID-19 Immunization Task Force.
Southwestern Public Health has secured enough vaccine inventory to begin administering second doses to individuals who have received their first dose already. These will be sequenced to residents in Long-Term Care homes first, followed by residents in high-risk retirement homes. Western Fair Agriplex will also resume operations on February 8. Health care workers and essential caregivers who received their first dose in January will be contacted directly to schedule their second dose appointment within 35 to 42 days after their first dose.
Ontario is currently reviewing who will be eligible next under its COVID-19 vaccination strategy.
“Each day we are protecting those most at-risk, and we are encouraged that even more individuals will soon be eligible for vaccination,” says Dr. Joyce Lock, Medical Officer of Health. “Right now is a good time to review credible resources about this vaccine so that you are prepared to make informed decisions when it is your turn.”
Visit swpublichealth.ca/COVID19vaccine for updates about Ontario’s COVID-19 vaccination strategy and to learn more information about the vaccine.
Megan Cornwell
Communications | Southwestern Public Health
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