Outbreak Management
Noticing more kids or staff getting sick than usual? You might be dealing with an outbreak. This page will walk you through what to do, how to spot an outbreak, manage it, and get help from us at Southwestern Public Health (SWPH). Acting quickly helps protect your facility and keeps everyone healthy.
What to do if you suspect an outbreak
If you think your facility is experiencing an outbreak, call SWPH at 1-800-922-0096 and report an illness right away. Our team will confirm if it’s an outbreak and guide you through what to do next.
Why it’s important to act quickly
Outbreaks can spread quickly in child care facilities. Investigating early helps find the cause and stop the spread. This protects the health of children, staff, and families in your care.
Steps to manage an outbreak
Keep sick children at home
To prevent germs from spreading, children with these symptoms should stay home or be sent home:
Fever with nausea or vomiting
Fever with a rash
Diarrhea (loose or watery stools)
Vomiting (not linked to a known cause)
Yellow or white eye discharge
Severe cough
Yellowish skin or eyes
Irritability, crying continuously, or needing extra care
If a sick child is waiting to be picked up, keep them in a separate room with supervision until a parent or guardian arrives.
Not sure if a child should stay home? Check the Guide to Common Childhood Infections (PDF) or call SWPH at 1-800-922-0096 for advice.
Follow SWPH’s instructions
We will provide specific steps to help you manage the outbreak. These steps may include:
Extra cleaning steps to sanitize your facility
Posting an Outbreak Alert to inform parents and staff
Advice on limiting the spread of illness
For more tips, visit our Cleaning and Disinfection page.
Log illnesses to track the outbreak
Use the Enteric Outbreak Line List (PDF) to record symptoms and track the outbreak. Keeping this log helps SWPH give you the best advice for your facility.
Contact Us
Southwestern Public Health (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday)
St. Thomas Site
(Administrative office)
1230 Talbot Street
St. Thomas, ON N5P 1G9
Woodstock Site
410 Buller Street
Woodstock, ON N4S 4N2
Call us toll free: 1-800-922-0096
Email us
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Southwestern Public Health (SWPH) values our people! We pride ourselves on our positive and flexible work environment.