Only specific illnesses that can spread easily need to be reported. Find the full list here: Diseases of Public Health Significance (PDF)
Reporting an illness in child care centres
If you work at a child care centre in Ontario, part of your role is to report certain illnesses to public health as per the law. This guide will help you know when and how to report, so you can feel confident in protecting everyone in your centre.
How do I report an illness?
Call Public Health: 1-800-922-0096
Ask for: The Communicable Disease team
What details do I need to share?
When you call, be ready to share:
The child’s name, date of birth, and address
Parent or guardian contact information
Symptoms and when they started
The child’s doctor’s name
Name of the hospital (if admitted)
Why is reporting important?
By reporting illnesses, you help stop the spread of disease. This keeps your centre safe for children, families, and staff. It is also the law.
Frequently asked questions
What illnesses need to be reported?
What if I'm not sure about the symptoms?
It’s okay to call and ask. We can help you decide if reporting is necessary.
Yes! If a disease needs urgent reporting, call 1-800-922-0096 anytime. For non-urgent cases, call during the next business day.
Contact Us
Southwestern Public Health (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday)
St. Thomas Site
(Administrative office)
1230 Talbot Street
St. Thomas, ON N5P 1G9
Woodstock Site
410 Buller Street
Woodstock, ON N4S 4N2
Call us toll free: 1-800-922-0096
Email us
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Southwestern Public Health (SWPH) values our people! We pride ourselves on our positive and flexible work environment.