Eligible patients can access NRT through participating pharmacies as well as other supports listed on our Quitting Smoking page.
Tobacco Cessation
Are you looking for resources to help your patients quit smoking? You’re in the right place. This page has everything you need to guide them toward a smoke-free future.
Make a referral for smoking cessation
If you have a patient ready to quit smoking, here’s how you can connect them with support:
Email our Tobacco Enforcement team for guidance on the best referral options
What can healthcare providers do to help their patients quit?
We’re here to help you support your patients. Check out these resources designed for healthcare professionals:
- Brief Contact Intervention - The 3 A's:
In less than 3 minutes, you can make a difference in the health of your patients. Integrating the 3 A's into daily practice significantly increases quit smoking attempts. Screen every patient, at every visit, and ensure that smoking and vaping is asked about and documented.
- ASK all clients about smoking and vaping at every visit
- ADVISE client to consider quitting
- ACT by providing support or referring to other services
For more information on how to implement the 3 A's in your practice, check out the Brief Contact Intervention Training for Healthcare Providers and Public Health Staff developed by Ontario Public Health Units
Health 811 Smoking Cessation Referral Form: Make referrals to smoking cessation services easily.
- Don't Quit Quitting: Offers tools and supports for healthcare providers in Ontario
- SW TCAN Smoking cessation newsletter Fall 2024 edition: offers upcoming trainings resources, and supports within the Southwest region
What programs exist to help your patients?
There are many different options available to people who want to quit smoking. Visit our Quit Smoking page for more information to determine the best service for your patient.
Would you like to connect with other healthcare professionals working within smoking cessation?
Join our Smoking Cessation Community of Practice!
Stay up to date and connect with peers! Our Smoking Cessation Community of Practice meets virtually twice a year to:
Network with other healthcare providers.
Share best practices and resources.
Learn about the latest emerging nicotine products.
Sign up to receive invitations to the Smoking Cessation Community of Practice.
Frequently asked questions
Contact Us
Southwestern Public Health (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday)
St. Thomas Site
(Administrative office)
1230 Talbot Street
St. Thomas, ON N5P 1G9
Woodstock Site
410 Buller Street
Woodstock, ON N4S 4N2
Call us toll free: 1-800-922-0096
Email us
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