Personal Service Settings
As an owner or operator of a Personal Service Setting (PSS), it is important to protect yourself and your clients from blood-borne infections and other diseases.
Public Health inspections
Under the Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.H.7 O. Reg. 136/18: Personal Service Settings, Southwestern Public Health (SWPH) inspects all Personal Service Settings in Oxford County, Elgin County, and the City of St. Thomas.
Our Public Health Inspectors (PHIs) make sure infection prevention and control practices are being followed by conducting routine and complaint-based inspections in accordance with the Infection Prevention and Control in Personal Service Setting Protocol.
At the end of each inspection, a written report is provided to the operator and is publicly posted on the Health Inspect disclosure website.
Disclosure of PSS inspection reports
All inspections completed by PHIs can be publicly accessed through our Health Inspect website, which is continuously updated to reflect the most recent inspection. If you are unsure whether a PSS has been inspected by SWPH or not, look for the Health Inspect sign at the premise.
Infection prevention and control in PSS
Operators and staff of PSS are encourage to review the Guide to Infection Prevention and Control in Personal Service Settings from Public Health Ontario to learn more about infection prevention and control practices that reduce the risk of transmission of infections in PSS.