TB Skin Testing
Who can get a TB skin test at SWPH?
SWPH offers tuberculosis (TB) skin testing at SWPH for one of these reasons:
- You need a test for a medical reason and have a letter from your health care provider
- You are new to Canada and need a test for immigration purposes
- You have had recent contact with a person who is sick with active TB
Please call to book an appointment. If you need a test for work, school or volunteer purposes, please contact your health care provider.
What is a TB skin test?
A TB skin test will tell you if you have latent TB infection. A small needle is used to inject a small amount of liquid called tuberculin just under the skin on your arm and checked two days later.
Learn who should and who should not get a TB skin test, how to care for your arm following a test, and more in our tuberculosis and TB skin testing brochure.