Foodborne Illness
What is a foodborne illness (FBI)?
Foodborne illness, or food poisoning, occurs when a food or drink is contaminated. Learn about the causes and symptoms of foodborne illness, and how to prevent it.
About Foodborne Illness |
i. Infections caused by micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites ii. Poisoning by toxins from bacteria or mold in food iii. Poisoning by chemicals in food iv. More than 200 diseases are transmitted through food (Institute of Food Technologists Expert
Common Symptoms of Foodborne Illness |
i. Nausea ii. Vomiting iii. Diarrhea iv. Fever v. Headache vi. Stomach pain and cramping vii. Dehydration
Preventing Foodborne Illness |
i. Poor hand washing practices and/or poor handler hygiene ii. Cross-contamination of raw and ready-to-eat foods through direct or indirect contact (i.e. iii. Improper cooking and reheating of food items iv. Improper cooling of hazardous food items v. Improper defrosting of food items vi. Food being prepared by a sick food handler
Feeling Sick After Eating Contaminated Food |
i. Foodborne illness caused by bacterial toxins or chemical contamination usually happens shortly ii. Foodborne infections can take several days to cause illness iii. Salmonella usually takes 12-24 hours but can take as long as 3 days iv. E. coli 0157: H7 usually takes 3-4 days but can take as long as 8 days v. Foodborne illness caused by Hepatitis A usually takes 30 days but can take as long as 50 days |
Foodborne Infection |
Foodborne Intoxication |
food. In some cases, these toxins can be deadly. The main symptom of a foodborne intoxication is
Notifying Your Doctor |
i. Your doctor will notify the Public Health Unit of positive results. ii. A Public Health Inspector will investigate your case and follow up with you and/or the food |
When to Contact the Health Unit |