Physical Literacy
Just like learning your ABCs, physical literacy builds a strong foundation to support lifelong physical activity skills. Physical literacy is developed through learning basic movement skills, that through practice and repetition, build confidence for kids to want to move and be more active throughout their lives.
Basic movement skills include:
- Running
- Jumping
- Throwing
- Catching
- Swimming
- Dodging
- Skipping
Activity ideas to support your child’s physical literacy
Children learn movement skills through active play. Make physical activity a fun part of your child’s daily routine and play with them whenever possible. Active for Life offers activity ideas, interesting articles, and sign up for the newsletter to support children’s physical literacy development. Find tools to promote physical activity for children 0-6 from Have a Ball Together.
Physical literacy resources
- Physical Literacy Assessment for Youth (PLAY) – Sport for Life
- Passport for Life (assessment tool) – Physical and Health Education Canada
- Physical and Health Education Canada
- Active for Life - activity ideas to support physical literacy development at home.